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What Is Body Fat Analyzer, Body Fat Measurements

Body Fat Analyzer, Body Fat Measurements and Body Fat Testing Methods:-

Body fat analyzer is a machine through which we can measure fat in our body. We can measure our body weight also through this machine. Let’s see how this machine works.

You have to give information about you age, sex and height into this machine. Then this machine measures the quantity of water, flesh and cells in our body. The difference between weight and cells is considered as fat. You can know that how much fat you have in our body. 

But always remember that the people, who use pacemaker, should avoid using this body fat analyzer machine.

Role of water in weight loss, does water help in losing weight

Does Water Help To Lose Weight? Importance of Water in Weight Loss

Water is very important in losing weight. Some people do not drink sufficient water. As a result they may feel weak and tired and their complexion may become yellow. Our body is made of various liquid matters. So water is very important thing for us.

If you want to keep yourself fresh and active, drink water several times in a day.
When you are losing weight, sometimes drink some healthy drinks like fruit juice, vegetable juice and skimmed milk.
You may eat water-melons, oranges, tomatoes etc.

Names of Diseases Caused By Too Much Fat, Fat Related Diseases

Names of some Diseases Caused By Too Much Fat, Names of some Fat Related Diseases:-

  1. Angina Pectoris
  2. Bladder Control Problems
  3. Cancer
  4. Problems in the time of pregnancy
  5. Coronary heart failure
  6. Gallstone
  7. High Blood Cholesterol
  8. High Blood Pressure
  9. Glucose intolerance
  10. Stroke
  11. Type-II Diabetes

How to Control Cholesterol?  
Lower Cholesterol Naturally and Cholesterol Control:-

Cholesterol is produced in our body in three ways.
  1. Cholesterol from foods. Basically, some high-calorie foods like some fishes, meats helps to produce cholesterol.
  2. Cholesterol in our liver in our body.
  3. Cholesterol created from mental stress and from lack of exercise. Nowadays, these common reasons are seen in so many people.

What is Mono Diet, Diet to do

What is mono diet? 
Is mono diet good for health?

Taking same kind of foods is called mono-diet. 
If somebody do not take 2 to 3 kinds of foods and take same kind of foods, it can not satisfy his necessity. 
Taking same kind of foods creates obstacle for full growth. So, it is necessary to take various kinds of foods.